Are You Looking for E-Commerce Product Photography?

Are You Looking for E-Commerce Product Photography?
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In eCommerce, product photography is essential to running a successful online store. With the rise of online shopping, customers now have many options. This makes it more critical than ever for eCommerce shop owners to stand out from the competition, and product photography is a powerful tool to help achieve this.

When it comes to eCommerce photography, customers have high expectations. They want to see clear, detailed images that accurately represent the product they want to purchase.

Poor quality product photos can lead to disappointment, distrust, and a lost sale. On the other hand, high-quality product images can increase customer confidence, leading to more conversions and revenue.

One of the key aspects of product photography is the background. A cluttered or unappealing background can distract from the product, while a clean, neutral background can help the product stand out and grab the customer's attention. Fortunately, removing the background from images is now easier than ever, thanks to tools like

For a successful eCommerce photoshoot, it's important to consider various factors, including lighting, composition, and styling. Lighting is critical for creating clear, well-lit images accurately representing the product's colours and details.

Composition and styling are also crucial, as they help to create an image that is visually appealing and draws the viewer's eye to the product. In conclusion, the product photography is crucial to running a successful eCommerce business.

You can increase customer confidence and drive conversions and revenue by providing high-quality, accurate images of your products. Using tools like and paying attention to factors like lighting, composition, and styling, you can create stunning product images without the background to help your eCommerce store stand out.

What is product photography?

product photography of Perfume

Product photography is commercial photography focused on showcasing products in their best light. It is used extensively in online and offline marketing activities, including:

  • Brochures
  • Leaflets
  • Flyers
  • Catalogues
  • Digital ads
  • Magazine ads
  • Websites
  • Landing pages
  • Especially in eCommerce stores

Product photography aims to capture high-quality images of products that accurately represent their colors, details, and textures. This helps customers to understand the product better and make informed purchasing decisions. Product photography can also create a brand identity and convey a specific mood or aesthetic.

Product photography is particularly important in eCommerce because customers cannot physically touch or examine products before purchasing. As a result, high-quality product images are essential to building trust and confidence with potential customers.

They allow customers to see the product from different angles and perspectives, which can help to reduce uncertainty and increase the likelihood of a sale. When creating compelling product photography, remember a few key considerations. First, lighting is critical.

Proper lighting can help to highlight the product's key features and create a sense of depth and texture. Second, the composition is important. How the product is framed and positioned within the image can influence how viewers perceive it.

Finally, post-processing can enhance the image, adjust colour and contrast, remove distracting elements, and improve clarity. In conclusion, product photography is essential to marketing and branding for businesses that sell physical products.  A high-quality store image can significantly enhance the customer experience on your website.

By creating high-quality, visually appealing images of products, businesses can convey important information to customers, build trust and confidence, and increase the likelihood of a sale. Product photography is a versatile and powerful tool for driving engagement and conversion, whether in print or digital formats.

We have Two Main types of E-Commerce Product Images:

Product-only images: Product-only images are product photos that showcase the product in a clear and detailed manner. These images typically feature a white or neutral background, allowing the focus to be entirely on the product.

They are commonly used in eCommerce stores, providing customers with a clear and accurate representation of their desired product. Product-only image examples:

1. An image of a white t-shirt photographed against a neutral background.

2. A close-up photo of a phone case on a plain white surface.

In-context (lifestyle) images: Conversely, in-context (lifestyle) images show the product in use or a real-life context. These images can help customers better understand how the product works, how it might fit into their life, and how it might look when worn or used.

They are often used in marketing materials such as social media posts, blog articles, and advertising campaigns, as they can be more engaging and visually interesting than product-only images. In-context (lifestyle) image examples:

1. A photo of a person wearing a white t-shirt while playing basketball.

2. An image of the phone case on the phone being used by someone while on the go.

Product-only images are clear and accurate representations of the product, while in-context images show the product in use or a real-life context.

Why is Product Photography Important?

Why is Product Photography Important?

Product photography is important because it plays a critical role in certifying the quality of a product and building trust with potential customers. By showcasing high-quality images of products, businesses can provide customers with an accurate representation of what they can expect to receive when they make a purchase.

This can help to reduce uncertainty and increase confidence in the product and the brand. In addition, product photography can help to bring transparency to the purchasing process.

By providing customers with clear and detailed images of products, businesses can help customers to make informed purchasing decisions based on the product's features, quality, and appearance. 

This can lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty, as customers are more likely to trust and feel satisfied with the products they receive. Product photography is essential for building a strong brand identity, establishing credibility, and driving sales.

High-quality Images Improve Customer Experience Across Touchpoints.

High-quality Images Improve Customer Experience Across Touchpoints.

High-quality images have a significant impact on the customer experience across various touchpoints. They can improve the overall aesthetic of a website or eCommerce store, creating a more visually appealing and engaging environment for customers. 

They can also help to convey information about the product more effectively, allowing customers to quickly and easily understand its features and benefits.

In addition, high-quality images can enhance the customer experience by providing consistency and accuracy throughout the customer journey. From the initial product search to checkout, customers can rely on clear and accurate images to guide their decision-making and reduce uncertainty. 

This can lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty, as customers feel confident in their purchasing decisions and are more likely to return to the brand for future purchases.

Images are a key Element of Branding.

Images are a key Element of Branding.

Images play a crucial role in branding as they help to communicate the brand's identity and values to its target audience. The visual elements of a brand, including its logo, colour scheme, and imagery, help to create a recognisable and memorable brand identity.

High-quality images can also help to reinforce the brand's messaging and personality, helping to establish a strong emotional connection with customers. By using consistent and visually appealing images across all marketing channels, businesses can create a cohesive and professional image that enhances the overall brand experience for customers.

Images are a key component of a brand's visual identity and can significantly impact how customers perceive and connect with the brand.

Tools for Product Photography

Investing in tools for product photography is essential for any eCommerce business that wants to showcase its products effectively and professionally. High-quality images can significantly impact the customer's decision to purchase a product.

Investing in the right tools can improve the quality and consistency of your product images, leading to increased customer satisfaction and sales. A high-quality camera, lighting equipment, a tripod, a shooting table, and a light tent are some essential tools for product photography.

With the right equipment, you can capture images that accurately represent the product's colour, texture, and other important details. By investing in tools for product photography, you can also save time and money in the long run.

You can reduce the need for expensive retouching and editing services by taking high-quality images. Additionally, having your equipment means you can produce product images at your convenience rather than relying on the availability and cost of external services.

Overall, investing in the right tools for product photography is a wise decision for any eCommerce business that wants to elevate its online presence and drive sales. You can attract and retain customers, increase conversions, and boost revenue with high-quality images.

1. Camera (or your smartphone)

women Taking a Photo

A camera is an essential tool for product photography. It can be a professional-grade DSLR or a smartphone camera. The camera's settings, such as aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, must be adjusted to accurately capture the product's details.

A camera with a high megapixel count can help produce sharp and high-resolution images, making showcasing the product's features and details easier.

2. Lighting

Lighting on Shoes

Lighting is crucial for product photography as it affects the overall look and feel of the image. Natural light can provide soft and diffused lighting, while studio light offers more control and consistency.

You can adjust the light's intensity, direction, and colour with studio lights to create a specific look and feel for your product. Natural light can provide a more organic and authentic feel, depending on the time of day and weather conditions.

Lighting is one of the most important factors in deciding whether you get a good picture. You have two options:

1. Natural light

2. Studio light

3. Natural light

Natural light cake Photograhy

Natural light is the light that is provided by the sun and is available for free. It can provide a soft and diffused lighting effect, benefiting product photography. However, natural light depends on the time of day, weather conditions, and location, limiting availability and consistency.

When using natural light for product photography, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Choose the right time of day: Early morning and late afternoon light are typically the best for product photography as they provide soft and diffused lighting.
  • Find the right location: Shoot in a place with plenty of natural light, such as near a large window or outdoors in an open area.
  • Use reflectors: Reflectors can bounce natural light onto the product, helping to fill in shadows and provide a more even lighting effect.

Natural light refers to the light from the sun or any other natural source, such as fire, lightning, or stars. In photography, natural light is often used to create a soft, warm atmosphere. 

When taking photos using natural light, it is important to consider the time of day and the weather conditions, as they can greatly affect the quality and colour of the light. Natural light is also cost-effective and requires no additional equipment, making it a popular choice for beginners in product photography.

4. Studio light

Studio light PhotoGraphy

On the other hand, studio light offers more control and consistency than natural light. It is especially useful when creating a specific look and feels for your product. Studio lighting can be adjusted for intensity, direction, and colour, allowing photographers to create a variety of lighting setups.

When using studio light for product photography, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Choose the right type of light: There are several studio lights, including strobe lights, continuous lights, and LED lights. Each type of light has its benefits and drawbacks, so choose the one that best suits your needs.
  • Set up your lighting properly: Place your lights at the correct angles to avoid harsh shadows and create a soft and even lighting effect.
  • Use light modifiers: Light modifiers, such as softboxes and diffusers, can be used to create a softer and more diffused lighting effect.

In summary, natural and studio light is used effectively for product photography. Natural light is great for achieving a soft and organic feel, while studio light offers more control and consistency. 

The choice between the two will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the photographer and the product being photographed.

Studio light refers to artificial lighting equipment used for photography or videography purposes. Unlike natural light, studio light is completely controlled by the photographer, allowing for consistent and predictable results.

Studio lights come in different shapes, sizes, and power outputs and can be used in various combinations to achieve the desired effect. Common types of studio lights include strobes, continuous lights, and LED lights. Strobes produce bright light flashes, while continuous lights remain throughout the shoot.

LED lights are versatile, energy-efficient, and can be adjusted to different colour temperatures. Studio lights require technical knowledge and experimentation to achieve the desired results. However, they offer greater control over lighting conditions and can be used indoors.

5. Tripod

three Tripod standing in a row

A tripod is essential for product photography as it helps to stabilise the camera and eliminate camera shake. A tripod ensures the camera is steady, allowing for sharper and more focused images.

It also enables photographers to use slower shutter speeds and smaller apertures, which can help to achieve greater depth of field and sharper images.

6. Shooting table

In Table Place a Camera

A shooting table is a flat, even surface used to showcase products. It is typically white or black and can be made of various materials, such as wood or acrylic. Shooting tables allow photographers to control the image's background and provide a clean and consistent surface for product photography.

7. A light tent

In a Light tent focus light

A light tent is a small, portable structure that diffuses light to create soft and even lighting. It eliminates harsh shadows and creates a uniform light source around the product. 

A light tent is especially useful for small products and can be easily transported and set up in different locations. It helps to create a professional-looking image with a consistent and controlled lighting setup.

E-Commerce Photography Basics

E-Commerce Photography Basics

E-commerce photography basics involve capturing high-quality product images accurately representing the product's color, texture, and other important details. This involves using the right tools, such as a high-quality camera, lighting equipment, a tripod, a shooting table, and a light tent.

It also involves understanding the different types of product images, such as product-only images and in-context (lifestyle) images, and their respective uses. Finally, optimising your images for online use is important, including ensuring they are the right size, format, and resolution for your eCommerce platform.

Here are a few examples of Need

  • Camera
  • Neutral background
  • Lights
  • Stabilisation, focus, and consistency
  • Post-processing


camera Photoshoot

A camera is essential for eCommerce photography, allowing you to capture high-quality images that accurately represent your products. However, you don't necessarily need to buy an expensive and fancy camera to take good product photos. 

You can start with what you have, such as a smartphone camera, and gradually upgrade your equipment as your eCommerce store grows and generates more sales.

Smartphone cameras have become increasingly advanced in recent years, and many of them can produce high-quality images suitable for eCommerce use. The key is ensuring that your camera has sufficient resolution and sharpness to accurately capture your products' details. 

Additionally, you can use various camera settings, such as adjusting the exposure and focus, to improve the quality of your photos. Ultimately, the goal is to capture images that showcase your products in the best possible light and entice potential customers to purchase.

Neutral background

In e-commerce photography, a neutral background is essential to create a clean, professional look for your product images. The purpose of a neutral background is to eliminate any distractions and to help your product stand out. A neutral background also helps in the post-processing phase, where you can easily remove the background and add other elements to enhance the image.

One of the best tools for removing the background is, an AI-powered tool that can instantly remove the background from your images. This tool is particularly helpful for those who don't have access to a professional studio or equipment. It can also save much time and effort compared to manually removing the background using software like Adobe Photoshop.

You can mount a craft paper or poster board over a table to create a neutral background. This is a cost-effective solution for those on a budget. You can choose a colour that complements your product or opt for a classic white or black background. The idea is to avoid sharp corners or edges where light can bounce around and create unwanted shadows or reflections.

A neutral background is essential for e-commerce photography as it can significantly affect your product images' perceived quality and professionalism. is a great tool for removing the background, and using craft paper or poster board can help create a simple, clean, professional look.


Lights focus on object

Proper lighting is crucial in e-commerce product photography as it can make or break the quality of the image. Natural light is always preferable as it gives a more realistic look to the product. You should avoid direct sunlight, which can cause harsh shadows and overexposure, making the product look unappealing.

One effective technique is to set up a shooting table next to a large window with your sweep attached to the wall. This can provide a good amount of natural light, and you can manipulate the light using diffusers or reflectors to get the desired effect.

In cases where natural light is not available or sufficient, artificial lights are used. Two identical softbox setups can usually do the job, providing even light to the product without creating any harsh shadows. Keeping the lights at the same distance and angle is essential to avoid any image inconsistencies.

Overall, lighting plays a critical role in the success of e-commerce product photography. It is essential to experiment with different setups to find the one that works best for your products.

Stabilisation, focus, and consistency

Stabilisation, focus, and consistency are crucial in product photography. A tripod is a must-have tool to ensure sharp and clear images, particularly when using slower shutter speeds or shooting in low light. It helps minimise camera shake and eliminates blurriness, resulting in a more professional-looking photo.

Another aspect to consider is the focus. The right focus can make a significant difference in the quality of your images. Set your camera or smartphone to focus on the product so it is sharp and detailed. Additionally, consistency is key to maintaining a professional and cohesive look across your product photos.

Setting the lens to a small aperture or a high f/stop is also essential for product photography. This will create a greater depth of field, keeping the entire product focused and ensuring all the details are visible to your customers. The higher the f/stop setting, the smaller the aperture, which will allow less light in but increase the depth of field.

By paying attention to stabilisation, focus, and consistency, you can create high-quality product images that showcase your products in the best possible light and help you stand out in the crowded e-commerce market.


Post-processing is an essential step in e-commerce product photography to enhance the quality of the images. It involves editing and retouching to give the images a polished and professional look. One of the most common post-processing tasks is background removal. This can be achieved using various tools, including, an AI-powered tool that instantly removes the background.

The use of post-processing in e-commerce photography helps improve the images' overall quality. For example, retouching can help to remove any imperfections or blemishes in the product, such as scratches or dust, and improve the color and brightness of the image.

Background removal is an important aspect of post-processing as it helps to give the product a clean and professional look. Using a tool like can save time and effort in removing the background and ensure a consistent look across all product images.

Post-processing is crucial in e-commerce product photography to ensure high-quality images that attract and engage customers. Using tools like and other editing software, e-commerce store owners can create professional-looking images that will help increase sales and revenue.

Understanding natural vs artificial light

Understanding natural vs artificial light

Natural light comes from the sun and constantly changes in intensity and direction. It can provide a soft, natural-looking illumination for photography. Artificial light, on the other hand, is generated by manufactured light sources such as studio lights, lamps, or flashes. 

It allows for more control over lighting conditions but may require additional equipment and expertise to use effectively. Understanding the differences and how to use each type of light can help you achieve the desired results in your photography.

Ten tips for Conquering E-Commerce product photography

Ten tips for Conquering E-Commerce product photography

Here are ten tips to help you conquer eCommerce product photography:

Invest in proper equipment: Good equipment is essential for quality eCommerce product photography. A camera, tripod, lighting, and a shooting table are the basic tools required. Don't break the bank, though. You can always upgrade as your business grows.

Choose the right background: The background should be neutral and not distract from the product. Use a plain white or black background or a colour that complements the product. Avoid patterns or textures that can be distracting.

Use natural light: Natural light can provide a softer, more natural look to product photos. Position your table near a large window and use a reflector to bounce light onto the product. Make sure to avoid direct sunlight, which can cause harsh shadows.

Use artificial light if necessary: If natural light is unavailable or insufficient, use artificial light. Softboxes are a great option for even, diffused lighting. Avoid using the flash on your camera, which can cause harsh shadows and uneven lighting.

Use a tripod: A tripod helps to stabilise your camera and reduce blur. It also allows you to take multiple product shots from different angles.

Shoot from different angles: Take multiple shots of the product to give customers a better idea of what the product looks like. Close-up shots of details can also be helpful.

Keep the product in focus: Make sure the product is in focus and sharp. Use a small aperture (high f-stop) to ensure the product is in focus from front to back.

Edit your photos: Edit your photos to remove any distracting elements or blemishes. You can use a tool like to remove the background quickly and easily.

Consistency is key: Keep your product photos consistent regarding background, lighting, and style. This will help create a cohesive look across your product listings.

Test and adjust different setups and styles to find the best for your products. Continuously adjust and improve your product photography to stay ahead of the competition.


In conclusion, the eCommerce product photography is critical to any online business. High-quality images can improve customer experience, increase conversion rates, and strengthen branding efforts.

You don't necessarily need to invest in expensive gear to achieve professional-looking photos. You can start with what you have, such as a smartphone or basic camera, and gradually upgrade as your business grows.

Essential tools for eCommerce product photography include lighting, a tripod, a shooting table, and a light tent. Neutral backgrounds are preferred to avoid distracting elements, and post-processing can enhance the final output.


What is E-Commerce Photography?

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When it comes to the business of selling goods online, there is a specialized field known as "eCommerce product photography" that concentrates on creating visually appealing but cost-effective photographs of products.

What role does product photography play in e-commerce?

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The success of an e-commerce business relies heavily on high-quality product photography. Given that your buyers can't touch and feel your products, it's up to the photos you provide to carry out the marketing for you. Having high-quality photos of your products displayed on your site has been proven to boost user activity and establish credibility for your business.

How to improve your e-commerce photography?

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Listed here are ten reliable tips for enhancing your eCommerce product photography:‍ 1. Bring out the clarity of your photo. 2. Take pictures of the whole item, adjusting the brightness and focus if necessary. 3. See if you can get the exposure right. 4. Consistency in size is essential. 5. Display your products prominently. 6. Include reflections 7. Display multiple images for each individual product. 8. Put a watermark on your images. 9. Display every color of the product.

What do I need to get started with product photography?

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1. Image Outcome. 2. Proper equipment is essential for successful product shots. 3. A camera and a tripod. 4. White background. 5. A flat surface like a table. 6. Foam board based white bounce cards. 7. Tape. 8. Location-specific window-equipped room.

When utilizing for e-commerce, how can I achieve a white background?

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Step 1 - Firstly, you need to visit the website. The "Upload Image" button will be shown there. Select the Image File tab. As well as desktop computers, mobile devices may use the application. Step 2 - The second step involves preparing the picture for editing. When you click the "Upload" button, your image's background will become white. Step 3 - Finally, choose "Download Original Size" to save the picture in its original resolution.

What is e-commerce product photography?

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E-commerce product photography is the process of creating high-quality images of products that are sold online. These images are typically used to showcase the product's features and help potential customers make informed purchase decisions. They may also be used for advertising, marketing, and branding purposes.

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