How to Remove Green Screen in Photoshop?

How to Remove Green Screen in Photoshop?
Remove Background From Images For Free

In today's guide, we delve into the exciting world of green screen editing in Photoshop, a tool that's not just for graphic design experts but also accessible to beginners. The significance of mastering this technique lies in its ability to transform images, offering a creative solution to change backgrounds and easily add stunning effects.

The process starts by selecting your green screen layer. The challenge here is to effectively separate the backdrop from the subject, where Photoshop's robust tools come into play. One effective method is using the 'Color Range' feature under the 'Select' menu. This tool is particularly significant for green screen editing due to its precision in selecting specific color pixels, making it an ideal solution for chroma keying.

While Photoshop offers advanced AI features like the 'Background' button for automatic selection, the 'Color Range' combined with the 'Eyedropper' tool often provides more control, especially in complex scenarios. After selecting the green screen areas, you can refine your selection with the 'Shift key' for added accuracy. The 'Invert box' in the 'Selection Preview' is helpful to ensure that only the green screen is targeted, leaving your main subject intact.

This method presents a straightforward solution for editing green screen images, allowing you to effortlessly color grade or swap the screen background. Whether working on a simple project or tackling a significant graphic design challenge, this guide offers the tools and knowledge to transform your green screen editing into a creative and enjoyable experience. Remember, the key to mastering Photoshop lies in exploring its diverse tools and effects, making every editing journey a unique and fulfilling.

What Is a Green Screen?

What Is a Green Screen?

A green screen, often sourced from platforms like Freepik, is a vibrant green surface frequently used in the realms of filmmaking, photography, and graphic design. This brightly colored screen serves as a backdrop, which can be seamlessly swapped with various images or videos through computer software.

The versatility of a green screen lies in its ability to allow editors to transport subjects into entirely different environments or settings, creating a visually compelling illusion.

About Green Screen Removal

Green screen removal, also known as chroma keying, is a pivotal technique in film and photography, and resources for this can also be found on sites like Freepik. In this process, a person or object is recorded against a bright green background. This distinct green color is then selectively removed using specialized software.

The empty space left by the green screen is filled with an alternate image or video, effectively placing the subject in a new and often imaginative environment. This technique is why weather forecasters appear to be in front of dynamic maps and why actors can be seen in fantastical, unreal locations. The beauty of green screen removal lies not only in its technical ability to change backgrounds but also in its power to bring creative visions to life.

Whether it's for a major film production or a personal photography project, the use of a green screen opens up a world of possibilities, allowing creators and editors to craft scenes and settings that transcend the limits of physical location. Through this technique, the ordinary is transformed into the extraordinary, showcasing the endless potential of imagination in visual media.

What Is Photoshop?

Photoshop is a renowned software program widely used for editing and creating images. Think of it as a digital canvas, where you can manipulate photos in almost any way imaginable. With Photoshop, you have the power to enhance photos, correct colors, remove unwanted blemishes, and even completely change backgrounds. It's not just about editing; you can also create entirely new images from scratch.

This program is equipped with a variety of tools, such as brushes for detailed work, filters for quick effects, and layers for complex compositions. Its versatility makes it a favorite among professionals in photography and graphic design, as well as hobbyists looking to express their creativity.

Photoshop transforms the way we think about and interact with images, providing a powerful platform for digital artistry and creativity. Whether you’re retouching a photo or designing a graphic, Photoshop offers endless possibilities to bring your vision to life.

How to Remove Green Screen in Photoshop?

Removing a green screen in Photoshop is a fantastic way to composite images creatively. Whether you're working with a photo of a person against a green backdrop or any other green screen scenario, the process is straightforward yet powerful. Let’s break it down step by step:

Step 1: Start Chroma Keying

  • Select the Green Screen: Begin by opening your image in Photoshop. Two effective methods for chroma keying are using the 'Select Subject' button or 'Select > Color Range'.

  • Adjust Settings: For 'Color Range', set Fuzziness around 40 (adjust as needed) and choose 'Black Matte' in Selection Preview for a clearer view. Ensure 'Invert' is checked.

Step 2: Use the Eyedropper Tool

Use the Eyedropper Tool

  • Select Green Areas: Click on a portion of the green screen with the Eyedropper tool. Hold down Shift and continue selecting all green areas. If you over-select, use Control-Z to undo. Click OK when satisfied.

Step 3: Add a Layer Mask

Add a Layer Mask

  • Mask the Subject: With your green screen selected, add a layer mask to your subject. The mask will automatically take the shape of your selection.

Step 4: Insert a New Background

Insert a New Background

  • Change Background: Remove the green screen by dragging and dropping or switching to your new background. For example, you can use a serene blue sky with clouds to replace the green backdrop.

Step 5: Refine the Mask

Refine the Mask

  • Adjust Mask Properties: Double-click the layer mask and enter 'Select and Mask'. Use the Feather, Contrast, and Shift Edge sliders to smooth the mask’s edges. Remember, these settings vary per image.

Step 6: Eliminate Fringe Edges

Eliminate Fringe Edges

  • Contract Selection: Control-click the layer mask to create a selection around your subject. Then go to 'Select > Modify > Contract' and contract by 1 or 2 pixels. Invert the selection.

  • Brush Out Fringes: Use a soft, round black brush to mask out any leftover fringes.

Step 7: Refine Hair and Remove Green Cast

  • Refine Hair Edges: Re-enter 'Select and Mask', select the 'Refine Edge Brush', and click on 'Refine Hair' in the toolbar. Hold Alt and reselect with the brush if it removes too much hair.

  • Adjust for Green Cast: If the subject has a green cast, you can use color correction tools to neutralize it, ensuring your subject blends naturally with the new background.

How to Remove a Green Cast in Photoshop?

When you've successfully removed a green screen background in Photoshop, you might notice a residual green cast on your subject, especially in areas close to the previously green background. This green cast can be particularly evident on skin tones. Here's how to effectively remove this unwanted color spill and ensure your subject looks natural in the new setting.

Step 1: Create a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer

Clip to Subject: With your layer mask completed, create a new Hue/Saturation adjustment layer. Clip this layer to your subject so that the adjustments only affect the selected area.

Step 2: Select the Right Color Range

Select the Right Color Range

Choose Green or Yellow: From the Master dropdown menu in the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, select either Green or Yellow. The green cast can sometimes lean towards yellow, particularly on skin tones. This varies depending on the shade of your green screen.

Test and Adjust: To identify which color affects the cast the most, temporarily set the Hue to +100. Observe which parts of the image are altered. Use the bottom Color slider to refine the color selection range. For this demonstration, Yellow is the selected range.

Step 3: Adjust the Hue/Saturation Sliders

Adjust the Hue/Saturation Sliders

Fine-Tune Settings: Now that you've identified the affected color range, adjust the sliders. Decrease Saturation to reduce the color intensity. Increase Lightness to brighten the affected areas. Adjust Hue to match the subject's natural tones. The settings vary, but a starting point is: Hue: -60, Saturation: -48, Lightness: +40.

Step 4: Mask Out Unwanted Adjustments

Mask Out Unwanted Adjustments

Refine the Adjustment Layer: If the adjustment affects areas you wish to retain in their original color, like clothing or background objects, use the layer mask to exclude them. For instance, if the model's shirt has changed to an unwanted color, mask that area to maintain its original hue.

How to Add Backlit Hair in Photoshop?

Creating a backlit hair effect in Photoshop can add a realistic and visually stunning element to your subject, especially when doing environmental swaps or green screen composites. Here's how to achieve this effect:

Step 1: Duplicate the Subject

Create a Duplicate Layer: Start by duplicating the subject layer. Place this duplicated layer below the original subject layer in the layer stack.

Step 2: Turn Hair White

Adjust Color Settings: Go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation. Set the Brightness to 100 to turn the hair white, creating the base for our backlit effect.

Step 3: Enlarge and Flip Hair

Modify Hair Layer: Enlarge and flip this new white hair layer horizontally. Use a mask to remove any excess white areas. This step will create the illusion of sunlit strands, giving a natural backlit appearance to the hair.

How to Create a Color Grade in Photoshop?

Adding a color grade to your image can unify the tones and enhance the overall look. Here’s a simple way to create an effective color grade:

Step 1: Apply Color Lookup Adjustment Layer

First Adjustment Layer: Add a Color Lookup adjustment layer and choose '3DLUT: 3Strip'. Set the Opacity to 40%. This layer will start to add a cohesive color tone to your image.

Step 2: Add a Second Color Lookup Layer

Second Adjustment Layer: Add another Color Lookup adjustment layer, selecting '3DLUT: Fall Colors'. Adjust the Opacity to 20%. This second layer will enhance the color grade, giving your image a vibrant and cohesive look.

How to Remove Green Screen Background Using

Removing a green screen background from an image can be efficiently done using online tools like This process is straightforward and doesn't require the complex steps often associated with professional software like Photoshop. Here's how you can do it:

Upload Your Image: First, go to the website. Here, you'll find an option to upload the image with the green screen background. You can either drag and drop your file or click to browse and select your image.

Upload Your Image

Automatic Processing: Once uploaded, will automatically process the image. The AI technology behind is designed to detect and remove backgrounds, including green screens, from images.

Automatic Processing

Download the Result: After removing the background, you can preview the result on the website. If you're satisfied with it, simply download the image. The downloaded file will have a transparent background where the green screen used to be.

Download the Result

Optional Editing: If you need to make further edits, such as adjusting the edges or adding a different background, you can use additional image editing software or even utilize the tools provided by if available.

Optional Editing is particularly useful for quick edits where detailed precision is not critical, or for those who need access to or familiarity with more complex image editing software. It’s a convenient solution for creating professional-looking images without the need for in-depth knowledge of graphic design.

Why use an Online tool for Removing Green Screen?

Using an online tool to remove a green screen offers several advantages, especially for those who require quick, efficient results without the complexity of professional software. Here’s why an online tool like might be the right choice for your green screen removal needs:

  • Ease of Use: Online tools are designed with simplicity in mind. They often require just a few clicks to achieve the desired result, making them accessible even for beginners without prior experience in graphic design or photo editing.

  • No Software Installation Required: Unlike programs like Photoshop, online tools don’t require downloading and installing software. This saves time and computer resources, and is especially beneficial for those using devices with limited storage or processing power.

  • Accessibility: Online tools are accessible from any device with an internet connection. Whether you’re using a PC, tablet, or smartphone, you can easily remove green screen backgrounds from anywhere, at any time.

  • Speed: Online tools typically work quickly, processing images in seconds. This makes them ideal for time-sensitive tasks or high-volume work where speed is a priority.

  • AI-Powered Accuracy: Many online tools use advanced AI algorithms to automatically detect and remove green screens, often with impressive accuracy. This technology continues to improve, offering results that sometimes rival manual editing.

  • Cost-Effective: Many online green screen removal tools are free or offer more affordable pricing than professional-grade software, making them cost-effective for individuals or small businesses.

  • No Advanced Skills Needed: Since the process is mostly automated, you don’t need advanced photo editing skills. This democratizes the ability to produce high-quality images without a steep learning curve.

Best Tools to Remove Green Screens Online

  • Known for its simplicity and effectiveness, uses AI technology to remove green screen backgrounds from images automatically. It's quick, user-friendly, and doesn't require any technical know-how, making it a great choice for both beginners and professionals.

Why do Photographers need a Background Remover App

  • Similar to, is another popular online tool that specializes in background removal using AI. It efficiently detects and removes green screens, offering clean and precise cutouts.

Home Page of

  • PhotoScissors: This online tool provides an easy way to remove green screens and other backgrounds. It offers additional editing features, such as the ability to add a new background or refine the edges of the cutout.

Home Page of

  • Unscreen: Unscreen is helpful in removing backgrounds from videos and GIFs, including green screens. It automatically analyzes and removes the background, making it an excellent choice for video content creators.

Home Page of Unscreen

  • FocoClipping: FocoClipping is an online background removal tool that handles green screen images effectively. It's designed for individual images and batch processing, which is great for handling multiple files simultaneously.

Home Page of FocoClipping

Each tool has unique features and strengths, catering to different needs and preferences. Whether working with still images or video content, these online tools can help you achieve professional-looking results with minimal effort and time investment.


Green screen technology offers incredible versatility in photography and videography, allowing for creative backgrounds and effects. However, removing green screens can be daunting without the right tools. Fortunately, online tools like,, PhotoScissors, Unscreen, and FocoClipping have made this process much simpler and more accessible.

These tools cater to different needs, from basic photo editing to video content creation, and are suitable for both beginners and professionals. With AI-powered precision and user-friendly interfaces, they ensure efficient and high-quality results, making green screen removal a task anyone can master.


What is green screen technology used for?

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Green screen technology is used in photography and videography to replace the green background with a different image or scene, allowing for creative and diverse visual effects.

Is it difficult to remove a green screen?

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While it can be complex using traditional methods, online tools like simplify the process, making it accessible for users of all skill levels.

Can these tools handle video content?

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Yes, tools like Unscreen are specifically designed to remove backgrounds from video content and GIFs.

Are these online tools free to use?

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Many online green screen removal tools offer free versions with basic features, while more advanced options may require a subscription or payment.

Can I use these tools on my smartphone?

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Most of these tools are accessible via web browsers, making them usable on various devices, including smartphones.

Do I need any special skills to use these tools?

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No, these tools are designed for ease of use and do not require special skills or technical knowledge.

What people have to say about

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Kamil Albie

I love the website since it is very simple. A 5-star tool. I have not faced any problems till now while using this website - I can immediately use the results for my work. Thank you so much. This website is going to become top-tier!!!

Petra Xavier

This website deserves much more praise!. With the background removal software, you may delete the entire background ! Overall, very user-friendly and performs its stated functions. All in all, I adore this software!

Ermanno Cardea

This background remover website is the best available on the internet. Just upload your photo, and the background will be gone in three seconds or less. It is simply great. I strongly suggest it! You'll be equally amazed if you give it a try.

Naile Xhemal

This tool is excellent. It works, and I've used it for months. It will instantly be removed. Even if it is not, the website gives much better results than other similar websites. There are absolutely no ads at all!
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